Valley Players, Hughenden

2025 New Years Updates:
Oh what a Show!
For all of you who came and supported Valley Players in their “experiment “of a modern Pantomime, “Alice in Cuckoo Land “. We had a a great time performing and judging by the comments from sell out audiences, they had a great time also.
As we explained in our programme, a traditional Pantomime is one where you know the characters and although there may be a few tweaks to the story, it will follow a familiar path. A modern Pantomime is one where the characters may be familiar but a new story or adventure is constructed for them. Such was “Alice”.
The Valley Players did themselves proud and particular note must be made of Willow Randall for being Director, Musical Director and part of the wonderful Technical team. This was the first time she took the helm of our show! Hurrah.
We must also note Sue Dubois for her excellent debut as the Queen of Hearts also Sam Byerley (again a debut) as the Knave of Hearts and our Dame of Dames Ross Greysen. We have added a few photos to give a flavour of the show.
Now for Spring 25!
We shall present two One Act plays and ask the audience to bring their own indoor Picnic to make the evening relaxing and enjoyable.
“You can’t take it with you “, by Cheryl Barrett, is a Family based comedy dealing with expectations of what is expected from an Uncle’s will ……. Or not!
Our second play, “You Just Never Know”, by Liz Dobson, is a “thriller” based in a
domestic situation but dealing with a very contemporary issue. Curioser and curioser as Alice would say!
Dates are 4th and 5th April, Tickets £12 and will be available here on the website and Ticket Source from 1st March.
Finally anyone who feels that they could get involved with the Players ,in any capacity, please make contact or come to Hughenden Valley Village Hall on a Monday at 19.30. We are a very friendly bunch looking for enthusiasm as the only qualification. On stage, Back stage, Tech or Front of house you are welcome!
See you soon,
Andrew Pitman (

Dig For Vengeance Update:
Breaking news!!
Valley Players were very disappointed to have to cancel our production of Dig For Vengeance due to unforeseen circumstances (the roof blew off the Village Hall!) But fear not! Repairs to the hall are well underway and we hope to put Dig For Vengeance on again at the end of the summer! In the meantime watch this space for news of our next production...

Happy New Year, 2022!!
Happy New Year one and all!! We here at Valley Players were blown away by the amazing support shown to our first live Panto since lockdown! We were all thrilled to be back on stage together and we hope everyone enjoyed watching the show as much as we enjoyed performing it!!
Now onwards to 2022! Plans are already underway for not one but two shows we are hoping to put on this year. Watch this space for updates in the very near future!
Stay safe and we hope to see you very soon!

It's Panto Time!! (Oh yes it is!)
At long last! After the ups and downs of the last year and a half we here at Valley Players are pleased to announce that the show will finally go on! Or 2021 pantomime, The Wizard of Oz, will be showing at Hughenden Villiage Hall 8-11 of December! Rehearsals are already underway and we are having so much fun being on a stage togetheragain. We have missed performing for a live audience and cannot wait to share it with you!
Click HERE for box office details!

Our Christmas Production! The Show must go on!
Well. 2020 has been quite a year, hasn't it!
We were all very disappointed to have to cancel our production of The Hound of the Baskervilles, but those of you who follow our Facebook page will know we have been experimenting with radio plays! Following the success of our last two shows, "Lockdown in Little Grimley" and "Dead Ringer", we are hosting a one-night-only streaming of our Christmas radio play "A Christmas Carol (In 60 Minutes Or Less) on our Twitch channel on the 23rd of December.
Everyone has worked hard to record the show remotely and put it all together so we hope you will join us to celebrate the festive season.
Plans are already underway for our next show, be it on stage or otherwise! Stay safe and Merry Christmas!
The Hound of the Baskervilles - POSTPONED
Hello from Valley Players! We hope everyone is keeping safe and well, we are all doing our best to look after ourselves and the community. We were all very disappointed to have to postpone our production of Hound of the Baskervilles but have not given up hope of resurrecting it in the future!
And now a word from our Chairman:
"Valley Players are self isolating but we are actively planning for when we can start rehearsing for our next productions. We will produce our Pantomime but dates are beyond our control so watch this space.
Thanks to all who were as disappointed as we were with our postponement of 'Hound of the Baskervilles', again watch this space!"
We hope everyone is keeping well and hope to see you very soon!

Valley Players, Hughenden are proud to announce our next production: The Hound of the Baskervilles! This funny and witty adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic is sure to be a blast and rehearsals are already well underway. Not only that but our box office is open NOW! Click here for box office details and make sure you don't miss out. We look forward to seeing you there!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
A massive thankyou to everyone who came out to see The Sleeping Beauty over the course of our run. It was our most successful Pantomime to date and the cast and crew could not be more proud of what we put on and thankful for your support. Plans are already underway for our 2020 Spring Production so watch this space for updates in the coming weeks!

The Sleeping Beauty Update!
Rehearsals for The Sleeping Beauty are well underway now we're a little over a month out from the performance! Due to the general election on the 12th of December we've had to move opening night to the Wednesday (one less day of rehearsals for us!) but we're confident that this years Panto is going to be excellent! Tickets are available now, box office information can be found HERE!

Pantomime 2019 - Sleeping Beauty
In an effort to keep ahead of the game we have already chosen and cast our 2019 Pantomime! With Tony taking on the mantle of director, Valley Players are proud to announce our next production: The Sleeping Beauty by Ben Crocker! Watch this space for ticket information once we get into rehearsals in September.
A Spot of Murder
A big thank you to everyone who came out to see our Spring Production of A Spot of Murder! We were blown away by the support we received from the local community as well as family and friends.